2024 Pygora, Colored Angora, Bogora & Mini Nugora kid goats
Click on the goat link below for pics & prices
Fiber Kid Goats - For Sale
Our Ebay Store!
Horse Tack - Saddles, Bridles, etc
I have lots of different size Teddy Bear patterns ranging from
a 3 inch Teddy Bear to a 3 foot Teddy Bear.
This is a great way to display, keep and preserve a family memory
and will continue through generations to come!
I have several sizes of TEDDY BEAR patterns. This enables me to get as few or as many TEDDY BEARS as you need. What a great idea for other family members **sisters**aunt**children**grandchildren**
We suggest you ship your garment
UPS **insured** or
Priority Mail**with tracking numbers**